Development Blog
Where we pretend to know how to code.
Backstory - Teaser
Published: 2013-06-29
Author: Kaiden
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[BB], 2024 in review
What do the [BB] Dev team even do anyways?
Replay: It's here, but what took so long?
It's [BB]'s 18th birthday!
I almost sort-of like frontend web development these days(?!)
We moved the blog (again).
[BB], 2023 in review
[BB], 2021 in review
New Web (API) Foundations (Part Seven, Finale)
New Web (API) Foundations (Part Six)
New Web (API) Foundations (Part Five)
New Web (API) Foundations (Part Four)
New Web (API) Foundations (Part Three)
New Web (API) Foundations (Part Two)
New Web (API) Foundations (Part One)
BB's 15th Anniversary!
[BB], 2020 in review
We moved (to GitHub)
The Market Exploit – Part 1
Snagging failed splits
Debugging Map Quirks
Distribution of content
[BB], 2019 in review
TTT: Back from the dead, but what took so long?
Radio Silence
BB's 12th Anniversary
Surfing SyncMeter explained
[BB], 2017 in review
Upcoming Feature: Autohop Zones
Maintenance is hard and what we learned, Pt 2.
Maintenance is hard and what we learned, Pt 1.
Item refunding (and why it isn't happening, sort of, kinda, in a way?)
Plans for June
Loot systems are a pain.
Let's talk about being a bad sport.
[BB], 2016 in review.
Is it really that time again?
BB Turns 10! General Updates
Incoming a bulk set of updates for Surf
New Admin, Surf Popularity Continuing
Spring (or Winter?) Cleaning
BB: 2015 in review
New Sub Admin, Server Activity
Surf Server, General Update
Time to be zapped (by this stunstick)!
End of a (server) era.
2014 - A BB year in review
Merry Christmas from BB.
Backstory - Teaser #3
An Item is born!
Trying this yet again (and again)
Backstory – Teaser #2
Not forgotten!
Annual Reviewing
An Addendum to the previous length of String
BBase: Electric Bungalow
Content and you, why this just got so much better
Backstory - Teaser
And moving on...
Communication is vital
Road to Life, Day 0
Production of RP
Some musings
Well, it's been a while
Why I love git (and this isn't a RP post so you probably won't be interested)
"We want RP, We want RP"
Radio Silence .. ... ... Beep Boop
Gosh where has the time gone (roundup)
Download Packages + Custom Models
Minor Donation Information
Why that one rule is one too many.
"Insert event / type Roleplay here" Roleplay
Merchants and You
Markets and Traders Pt. 3
Markets and Traders Pt. 2
Markets and Traders Pt. 1
Over the next 4 days..
Goddamnit Wordpress
A small roundup as of far.
Incoming blog post tomorrow.
Perks and Donations
McDonalds burger buns (pt2)
[BB] Steam Group
McDonalds burger buns and a few other (minor) things. (pt1)
Attn: Roleplay Beta Invites
The Lobby Server
The Police Force
Fast Download and you - What is it and how does it affect you?
And the blog is back!
Gmod beta update this week
Economies and you - why an auction house can make or break free markets
Run for your lives!
Corporations and you
Slowly getting there with the Garrysmod beta.
Unlike those two bastards, who've been playing games all day..
Unlike Killermon who's secretly been playing BF3 all week..
We're not all....
You Failed!
4 updates in a week?!?
Going like a superstar I am.
A quick small story
Partial Code Freeze
Apparantly I can fly!
Sometimes a number gets mixed up and this is the result
Killermon and Teddi's walkabout part 2!
Killermon and Teddi's walkabout part 1!
VMPI - Part 2
VMPI - Part 1
Blast from the past
A small interesting stat
So why a lack of updates recently?
We keep hitting brick walls!
And thus Teddi and Killermon went on a walkabout.
Back to RP!
Aperdurp anyone?
Brb, Portal 2
Oh hi grenade.
What are you doing in my area?
Zombies, Zombies everywhere!
An update + Multiworlds!
We're lazy. Yep.
Character Creation / Selection update
TODO: Think up a catchy name for this.
I should probably..
Incoming new update about inventory tomorrow
The inventory
NPCs 2: Electric Boogaloo
Minor update
Character Creation
Development blog