Development Blog

Where we pretend to know how to code.

BB's 15th Anniversary!

Published: 2021-08-15

Author: Teddi

Before we start the proper meat of the post; apologies for the lack of blog posts this year so far! As ever there’s been plenty going on and posts like these tend to fall to the wayside, especially when we don’t have an active feedback loop for these. There’s been a few discussions on how we can improve the feedback loop - but until these feel free to ask anyone on the team their thoughts and if they want to write a post.

[BB] has turned 15! I don’t think when Ben started BB initially all those years ago he expected it to last beyond five years, never-mind fifteen. We’ve had our ups and downs, loud and quiet moments but wholeheartedly I honestly believe the last five have been some of our best. We’ve found our stride in what we offer and it only seems to be getting better with more things available!

As ever with our anniversary events we’re offering players the ability to try Platinum for a week with !tryplat (or /tryplat), various goodies with this years crates and a global 150% cube bonus! Furthermore we’re rolling out a number of new bits of content over the next few weeks, including (but not limited to) new items, Climb achievements, new surf maps and more! Although it was released slightly before the anniversary, we also applied a number of major updates to Climb with the intention of it being done for the anniversary, so go give it a try @ or you can reach it via !portal through any of our game servers!

One thing we’ve opted not to do this year is grant a discount on the Platinum membership, but instead we’ve released the ability to donate for Platinum in 6 / 12 month intervals which do come with a very slight discount. For those hoping for the return of permanent Platinum, I would take this as a sign that for the foreseeable future it won’t be returning via monetarily available means.

Please feel free during this time to take to the forums or Discord to talk about how [BB] has had an impact on you, where you’d like to see it go and where it’s taken you so far!

On Saturday 21st August I’ll be available for anyone that wants to chat and ask questions in a Q&A style stage channel called “Ted-Talks” in the [BB] Discord @ 9pm BST (8pm UTC, 4pm ET) for any and all questions in regards to [BB]! If no one turns up / there’s not enough for that, then we’ll just chat in the “Lounge” instead.

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